News / Sparkle Jump Like you Mean It

  • Glitter Trampoline Jump for 20K Followers


    Last week, our instagram following jumped from 18K to 21K in less than 24 hours. At some point around 18.1K, I told all of our followers that once we hit 20K, we would dump a TON of glitter on a trampoline and jump around in it. At that time, I had no idea that we would surpass 20K and move onto 21K in a matter of hours. (Thank goodness for the Amazon Prime expedited shipping! I honestly have no idea how we would have gotten 5 pounds of glitter in 2 days!) 

    So, a few days ago, my good friend Carly Mearman and I drove up to Roswell with a great outdoor speaker system and #SparkleExecuted what is possibly the girliest thing to ever happen to trampolines. 

    I'm not going to lie - the combination of glitter and Atlanta summertime humidity isn't the most comfortable combination in the world, but we pulled it off with sparkling colors. (pun intended? yaaasss girl.)

    It took 5 lbs. of glitter, the best GF in the world, and a generous-hearted friend who didn't mind loaning us her trampoline to make good on our 20K Glitter Trampoline promise. (Side note: How much does it matter that no one over the age of 13 has ever done this before? I'm going to take your silence to mean that it's totally fine.)

     No, but seriously--  I can't thank our followers enough for staying so loyal through the years. Your support means the world to us and we couldn't continue to grow and thrive as a small business without you. My adolescent business owner hearts wants to break into a million tiny pieces when I think of how far we've come. And how many stitches it has taken to get here. By the way, total disclosure:  It's two days later and I still can't get the glitter out of my hair. I've showered fours times and used every type of shampoo/body wash that I own. But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. It was worth every second and thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us hit 20K!

    (Special thanks to the best girlfriend in the world, Carly Mearman, for getting your sparkle on with me. I'm sorry about your shower.)

    Another special thank you to Holly Trizzino of Intimately Inspiring Photography for letting us borrow the trampoline. I am still floored that you let us do this.

     Lastly, all the music that you hear in this video is from a DJ named Kygo. It does not belong to us in any way shape or form. 


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