Every once and a greecian moon, I will have the opportunity to create a custom wedding garter design for a bride who doesn't even know she wants one. <insert tons of LOLS> This was DEFINITELY the case last month when I worked with La Gartier bride Rebecca Lenois, who was gifted a custom wedding garter by her good friend (and one of our beloved past clients" Jill Sullivan Pasparikas. Jill contacted me and told me that she wanted her good friend Rebecca to have the same custom experience as herself, so she booked Rebecca's custom spot over a year ago, ensuring that she would have her garter in time for her wedding. Two months ago, I had the honor of e-meeting Rebecca and learning all about her relationship, her wedding and her personal style. The custom design that ensued is hands down one of the most beautiful and unique Greek-inspired custom garters ever created. (Cue music from the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding.) Wondering what made Rebecca's garter so gorgeous? Scroll down to see photos of her beautiful personalized garter!! And make sure to read the written captions below each photo to learn how each detail within Rebecca's beautiful custom garter design symbolizes an aspect of her relationship, her wedding day style, and what might possibly be one of 2018's classiest weddings.
Interested in having a custom garter made for yourself? Please email us at info@lagartier.com to book your custom spot. Right now, we are completely booked until July of 2018 but as long as you are not getting married until August 1st of 2018 or sometime thereafter, then there is still time!!

The pendant that we purchased for the center of Rebecca's garter is pretty much my favorite piece of jewelry in the world. It was a vintage gold and silver pendant with the greek key symbol around the edges.
At the center of the pendant is the owl. In ancient Greece, the owl is a symbol and also the symbol of Goddess Athena.

For her base, Rebecca selected our "Athena" garter not only due to the name but also because she loved the rhinestone and opal detailing within it. After looking at her gown and her other accessories, it was a no-brainer.

For Rebecca's "something blue", we decided to have her wedding date as well as her initials sewn into the inside of her garter. Talk about a beautiful personalized detail, right?

My favorite details? The lace on the back band of Rebecca's garter matched the lace on her gorgeous wedding gown. All the heart eyes for fine french lace.